
Zu den hier vorgestellten Modulen für Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und Kompetenzentwicklung gehören:

M1 – Setting Personal & Work Goals
M2 – How to Achieve a Successful Mindset
M3 – Growing Your Professional Network
M4 – Stress Management Techniques

Modul 1

"Setting Personal & Work Goals"

The purpose of this module is to educate dancers in topics related to setting personal and work goals, which will develop their confidence and allow them to maximize their potential.

Modul 2

"How to Achieve a Successful Mindset"

The purpose of this module is to introduce established practices to help dancers achieve a successful mindset. Transforming an existing mindset is not an easy task, but with the information included in this module, participants will be able to slowly implement changes in their lives.

Modul 3

"Growing Your Professional Network"

The purpose of this module is to highlight how building a professional network can help dancers to discover new opportunities and take part in various projects. Establishing new business connections and relationships is something that artists should always work on.

Modul 4

"Stress Management Techniques"

The purpose of this module is to explain in detail what stress is, when it can become a problem and how it influences our personal lives and work performance. Afterwards, several techniques how to prevent and manage stress are presented.
