Module 2

"Funding Ideas"

"Funding Ideas"


The purpose of this module is to point out to artists the form of project financing. This module also wants to explain more about fundraising ideas, the importance of developing fundraising strategies and planning for completing the project and fulfilling its mission and goals.

Watch and discuss

By the end of this module, you should be able to...


  • Find ways of financing a project
  • Be able to define the content of a financial plan
  • Find ways of funding financial resources – creating budget
  • Knowledge of the legislative regulations


  • Analysis skills, calculation
  • Leadership skills
  • Writing skills
  • Distinguishing between income and expenses
  • Precision, focus
  • Responsibility and discipline


  • Sponsors give funding to the leaders
  • You only earn money if the theatre production is good
  • You will sell a show that is loved by the audience and not by the critics
  • Never lower your criteria



The largest number of artistic projects are financed by the State, City or Municipality.

Institutional organisations have a mixed funding model. They are funded from the budget and/or by sponsors.

Independent organizations are funded by their own funding methods (grants, donations, crowdfunding…)

Forms of financing

Self generating income (selling products, tickets, renting a hall, organizing guest appearances or fundraisers)


A donation is a gift that provides financial support to the theater without any request of service.


Sponsorship means giving financial resources to the organization and asking for the certain compensation.  


Applying with the project idea to foundations’ open calls.


Cultural organizations also organize donor evenings to the business sector for promoting their product to provide grants.


This is a way to raise money for an individual or organization by collecting donations  from a large number of individuals. 

Funding ideas

Which strategies would you apply for funding your project?

Which strategies would you apply for funding your project?

Fundraising process

The fundraising process or fund-raising is the process of seeking and gathering voluntary financial contributions by engaging individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies.

Although fundraising typically refers to efforts to gather money for non-profit organizations, it is sometimes used to refer to the identification and solicitation of investors or other sources of capital for for-profit enterprises.

It is important to find as many sponsors and support as possible in money or in-kind.


Traditional Fundraising

Traditionally, fundraising has consisted of asking for donations through face-to-face fundraising, such as door-knocking. In recent years, though, new forms such as online fundraising or reformed versions of grassroots fundraising have emerged.

For sponsors it is important to be socially accepted. That is one of the reasons why they enter the theater.

In the last ten years, banks have been investing funds and becoming sponsors of the theatre season.


Funding ideas


  • The most successful fundraising organizations have built a powerful fundraising partnership between the board, the executive, and the fundraising staff.
  • Boards — as a group — should understand and help inform resource development strategies and monitor progress of fund development plans. At the individual level, each board member should make a personally significant financial contribution in support of the organization’s work and serve as an ambassador for the organization’s efforts by actively engaging as a volunteer in fundraising efforts.
  • Connecting with profitable institutions, entrepreneurs or foundations (stakeholders, business sector, local communities’ leaders, Municipalities, Ministry, Embassies)
  • Good promotion plan
  • Research of foundations that support project idea
  • Applying for grants
  • Creating the financial plan
    Setting the real budget and allocation of funds. The financial plan is a set of all the costs and expenses of a project.

  • Sponsorship
    Finding sponsors will strengthen your contacts and communication skills.

  • Fundraisers
    Donor evenings will allow you to promote your project.

  • Legislative regulations


Stephen Stacey - Social Media Manager at Wootton George Consulting

The influence of organizational culture on fundraising is an issue rarely discussed in our sector but in these challenging times, it may make the difference between success and failure. Whether you are raising funds in a national charity, a hospital or a small local charity, the culture in which you operate will to a considerable extent determine what you can achieve. In other words, your success as a fundraiser will in part be defined by how the culture works for you or against you.

What Determines Fundraising Culture?

So, what is it that determines the fundraising culture of an organization? It is linked to things like: The age and size of the organization; How long fundraising has been carried out; The status of fundraising within the organization (e.g. valued versus tolerated); The extent to which fundraising is “owned” across other functions; The internal decision making processes (e.g. bureaucratic and slow versus quick and lean); The involvement or otherwise of those at the top; Whether trustees understand fundraising or not; Attitudes to risk and innovation; The balance between empowerment and control of fundraising staff; The willingness to invest for the future (or not); Whether fundraising is represented at senior management level or not.,organisation%20How%20long%20fundraising%20has%20been%20carried%20out


Step 1 – Research

  • Research the fundraising of national theaters
  • Research the fundraising of Broadway theaters
  • Research the fundraising of independent theatres

Step 2 – Brainstorm

  • Decide what to do and get creative – Events and Fundraisers

Step 3 – Share

  • Spread the word about your fundraiser and ask you “friends” to support

Step 4 – Celebrate

  • Host your Fundraiser, thank your donors and let them know how well you did and show them your amazing fundraising effects and results.


Benefits – Identify your fundraising methods

Fundraising methods

Sales/Earned Income
Community-Business Partnerships (Sponsorships)
Theaters are increasingly organizing donation
evenings to raise money
Potential sponsors can meet their artists at
donor evenings.

Adapting to the Art Market

Acquiring knowledge in the field of management
and accounting.

Independent production calculation.
Independent management of phases of projects work.

Developing of negotiation skills.

Creative approach to fundraising


Conduct market research

Conduct market research with members, friends, etc., collecting their good ideas and examples of what has worked to raise money.

Developing independent projects.

Expanding contacts and partner networks.

Creating a platform for future events.

Financial independence

The possibility of making money and travel.

Creating different and new theatrical forms.

Moving the boundaries of performing arts.

Action Plan

1 – Step 1

Make a list of expenses of one theater play. Determine the amount of fees of the authors team. Determine the cost of costume making, scenography and renting the space  and all necessary cost for your production.

2 – Step 2

Determine how much money you need for the project.

Determine again resources for each element of the project.  

3 – Step 3

Make a list of all sources of funding.

Make a list of potentially obtained funds.

Consider whether your project is realistic and feasible.
